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Placenta Encapsulation

1 h
200 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

What is Placenta Encapsulation? Placental encapsulation is the practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills. Why encapsulate? Parents report these benefits: Increased energy More positive mood Enhanced milk supply Fewer symptoms of baby blues Faster postpartum healing How many capsules will I get from my placenta? The total yield of capsules often depends on the size of the baby, and the size of the placenta. Both are usually relative to each other. The choice of encapsulation method will also affects the total yield. From experience, the total capsule yield has ranged from 60 to 240 capsules. Most women will receive enough capsules to last between 4 – 8 weeks postpartum. How long do the capsules last? On average, placenta capsules have a 2 years shelf life if stored properly. After the initial postnatal period, any leftover capsules can be transferred to a ziplock bag, and stored in the freezer to use as needed. How do I take the capsules? You will receive full instructions regarding dosage with your capsules, the suggested dosage will be written in the label of the bottle and also in a separate handout. Every woman and their postpartum period is different so I find it’s best to judge what dose suits you better according to how you feel and how you respond to the capsules. When will I receive the capsules? 24-48 after receiving the capsules.

Cancellation Policy

No refunds if you do not cancel the day before any appointments

Contact Details

  • Cincinnati, OH, USA


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